On-site reproductions
Copyright and permitted use
Reproductions of the printed materials are permitted within the limits imposed by the law regarding the protection of copyright (L. 633/1941 and successive modifications and integrations, in particular arts. 68-71, 87-92).
Each volume or issue of any periodical may be photocopied to an amount not exceeding 15% of its contents, excluding the publicity pages. This percentage may be exceeded only in the case of ex-catalogue editorial works or those no longer covered by economic rights.
For digital reproductions, the law states the following:
- the possibility to photocopy works protected by copyright to an amount not exceeding 15% of their contents for each volume does not extend to digital reproductions or photographs
- hence digital reproduction is possible solely of works in the public domain no longer protected by economic rights; normally economic rights expire 70 years after the death of the author.
Users will be held entirely responsible for any violations of the law that they commit within the confines of the Library and for the ensuing civil and penal consequences.
The reproduction of manuscripts is subject not only to ongoing legislation regarding copyright but also to privacy laws, the Codice di deontologia e di buona condotta (Code of Ethics and Good Conduct) for the handling of personal data for historical purposes, G.U. n.80, 5 aprile 2001, and the Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio (Code of cultural and landscape heritage), Dlgs. 42/2004.
Reproduction of ancient, rare and handwritten material
The reproduction, including photographs, of ancient, rare and handwritten materials not of free access must be authorised beforehand by the Director; you will need to complete the proper form and declare the intentional use of the material.
Please remember that for reproductions destined for publication, prior authorisation from the Director of the Library is always required.
The materials of the Timpanaro collection cannot be reproduced in any way.
Photocopies, scans and printouts from public workstations
All the Pisa sites of the Library are equipped with multifunction devices that can be utilised in self-service mode.
SNS-affiliated users can use the badge already in their possession, after associating it with their account via the charging towers situated at the Orologio and Capitano sites. See the instructions in the Equipment user manuals section of the Guides and Tutorials page.
External users can make use of the service by registering via the charging towers situated at the Orologio and Capitano sites. On registration, you can buy the necessary card for 1 euro at the charging towers; the card must then be associated to your profile. See the instructions in the Equipment user manuals section of the Guides and Tutorials page.
Prints and photocopies cost € 0,033 for A4 format and € 0,066 € 0,010.
Badges and cards must be loaded with the amount required via the charging towers, which accept coins from € 0,10 upwards and banknotes from € 5,00 up to € 50,00.
Please remember that users are required to return the volumes they have taken out to the sector where they belong.
Paid prints can be launched from any public workstation, and are then rerouted on multifunction devices. For more details, see the guide How to print from public workstations. The cost of a printout is the same as that of a photocopy.
For furthewr information write to prestitobib@sns.it.
Scanning using the planetary scanner
This service is reserved for SNS-affiliated users.
The planetary scanner is situated at the Capitano site and is to be used exclusively for the reproduction of materials in the possession of the Library that cannot be scanned using the multifunction devices.
The service is free of charge. It is available in self-service mode only by appointment (even when the personnel do not need to impart any instructions), by writing to the e-mail address scansioni@sns.it.
Scans may only be saved on a USB drive.
Photographic reproductions
Photographic reproduction of materials is permitted within the limits of prevailing legislation.
The Library does not offer this service, and so users must utilise their own photographic devices.
The use of flash is always prohibited, to ensure protection and conservation of the materials.
Microfilms and microfiches
The Capitano site hosts a scanner-reader for the digital reproduction of microfilms and microfiches.
The service is free of charge and is available in self-service mode. If you need assistance from the personnel, you can make an appointment by writing to mcf@sns.it.
Files must be saved on a USB stick drive. Paper prints cannot be made.
Permitted uses: microfilms and microfiches belonging to the collections of the Library contain reproductions of documents possessed by other institutions, which provide them on condition that they are utilised solely for purposes of personal study.
As a consequence, also digital reproductions of microforms are meant exclusively for personal study and research. In the absence of authorisation on the part of the institution to which the original,documents belong, their publication and dissemination are prohibited in any form whatsoever.
Image by Bluesnap from Pixabay