
Network and equipment

Secure remote access to SNS network



Wireless service

WiFi access is managed by the SNS Information Technology Services (the Servizi Informatici di Ateneo della Scuola), and may be utilised by all users of the Library.

For instructions for the configuration of the online connection on your personal devices, please consult the dedicated page Web access.


Equipment for the public

Reader and scanner for microfilms and microfiches
The Capitano site has available a scanner-reader for the digital reproduction of microfilms and microfiches.
For use, please consult the page On-site reproductions.

Photocopiers, scanners and printers
The Pisa sites of the Library have available multifunction devices to be used in self service mode for photocopying, scanning and printing.
For their use and information as to costs, please consult the page On-site reproductions.

Personal computers
At all sites of the Library, some PCs are available for public use. Since these are public workstations, it is not possible to use apps different from those installed or to make unauthorised use of them.

From each workstation prints can be made, on payment, which are rerouted to multifunction devices available at the sites of the Library, to be used in self service mode.
For further details as to how to use the printer, please consult the guide How to print from public workstations

The Palazzo del Capitano has available a workstation reserved for the consultation of CDs and DVDs not accessible on local area networks.
Please ask the Library personnel for any assistance.

For all information relating to the reproductions that can be made at the Library, please consult the page On-site reproductions.


Image by Deactivated from Pixabay