
Online reference

This is a centralised online orientation and information service offered by the librarians of the Scuola Normale Superiore to provide answers to enquiries of a bibliographical nature and indications as to research strategies. The service is available to all.


The questions we answer

  • questions about the printed and online collections of the Library
  • questions about the localisation of books and journals at the various sites of the Library
  • questions about the use of databases and online resources
  • simple bibliographical information
  • indications as to research strategies and sources to utilise

Bibliographical research cannot be carried out for degree theses or on specific topics.

No information is provided regarding: mode of admission to the Library or library card renewal; loan, renewal and reservations; interlibrary services.


How to access the service

You can send one request at a time by means of the specific online form.
Before contacting us, we advise you to consult our FAQs.
You will receive a reply in the 3 working days following the date on which the request is sent. For specialist requests, you may be placed in direct contact with the contact persons of the disciplinary sectors.