Who we are
The Library of the Scuola Normale Superiore has the objective of guaranteeing the availability of continuously updated bibliographical resources, necessary for the research and teaching activities that take place at the Scuola Normale.
In addition, it envisages itself as a Library of libraries, gathering private collections belonging to scholars that have studied, taught and carried out research at the Scuola Normale.
The collections distributed among the three sites of Pisa and the Palazzo Strozzi site in Florence are predominantly arranged on open shelves, and can be accessed also by users external to the Scuola Normale.
Availability and access to the bibliographical resources both on paper and online is facilitated by means of SEARCH, a unique search tool.
The Library pursues the policies of Open Science, collaborating in the activities of IRIS, the SNS repository of the products of SNS research.