Open Science
The Library has for many years supported the principle of Open Science through a series of concrete actions.
Products of SNS research
Firstly, in an experimental project of open institutional archives denominated NOA (Normale Open Archive), the Library collected around two thousand digital outcomes of the cultural and research activities produced at the Scuola Normale Superiore, including PhD theses (from 2003), materials that were subsequently partially moved with open licences to the Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca IRIS (the Institutional Research Archives, IRIS), with whose activities the Library currently collaborates with the Research Assessment and Open Science Service.
Assistance with transformative agreements
The Library manages an assistance service for SNS members to publish in open access with some publishers with which transformative agreements are active. More information on transformative agreements and on this service is available at the dedicated page.
Open access informative resources
The Library actively supports the Open Access/Open Science culture, also by means of its own research tools, which enable the tracing of publications and primary research data available in open access on the net, reusable, and of a prestigious academic and scientific level. There are two tools available.
By means of SEARCH, set in the Advanced search mode, you can launch the research study you are interested in and, once you have obtained the response, you can utilise the Open Access filter (to the left of the list of responses) to select, among millions of e-books and articles present in the scientific periodical literature that the catalogue recovers, only resources with no access barriers.
By means of the databases repositories curated by the librarians of the individual disciplinary collections, you can also identify the open archives of preprints, publications or primary data of the research study relating to your specific area of interest. These are useful services of scientific documentation and updating, but they are also potential platforms of self-archiving for the sharing of the results of your research studies. Their rapid publication on the web increases their dissemination and consequently their citation indices, to the advantage of your product, for which some platforms include the assigning of persistent identifiers (such as DOI) which confer citability, permanence of the resources and greater protection regarding the author's rights.
Lastly, regarding documents, please note that our Generalities (reference works) collection is introduced in the first room of a small but important collection of continuously updated texts focussing on the Methodology and planning of research activities, including books on open and alternative academic publishing models and on the management of primary research data (Research Data Managing Plan).
Those who wish to pursue these themes in depth can refer to some titles on Open Science, in the institutional and disciplinary archives, and in bibliometrics both traditional and alternative (Altmetrics), including for the assessment of scientific research, that are present in the Library science collection.
- Baykoucheva, Svetla. Managing scientific information and research data. Oxford: Chandos, 2015.
- Cassella, Maria. Open Access e comunicazione scientifica. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2012.
- Chase, Darren, and Dana Haugh. Open Praxis, Open Access digital scholarship in action. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2020.
- Chowdhury, Gobinda G. Sustainability of Scholarly Information. London: Facet, 2014.
- Cox, Andrew, and Eddy Verbaan. Exploring research data management. London: Facet, 2018.
- De Bellis, Nicola. Introduzione alla bibliometria. Dalla teoria alla pratica. Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2014.
- Guédon, Jean-Claude, and Francesca Di Donato. Open Access contro gli oligopoli nel sapere. Pisa: ETS, 2009.
- Guerrini, Mauro, Andrea Capaccioni, Antonella De Robbio. Gli archivi istituzionali. Open access, valutazione della ricerca e diritto d'autore. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2010.
- Jacobs, Neil. Open Access key strategic, technical and economic aspects. Oxford: Chandos, 2006.
- Pryor, Graham (editor). Managing research data. London : Facet, 2012.
- Pryor, Graham, Sarah Jones, and Angus Whyte. Delivering research data management services fundamentals of good practice. London: Facet, 2014.
- Suber, Peter. Open access. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012.
- Tattersall, Andy. Altmetrics : a practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics. London: Facet, 2016.
- Turbanti, Simona. Strumenti di misurazione della ricerca dai database citazionali alle metriche del web. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2018.