Personal collections and Authors’ libraries
The Library of the Scuola Normale conserves and valorises collections from the second half of the 19th century onwards that have belonged to eminent individuals, including private and authors' libraries, in some cases accompanied by personal archives (Alessandro Torri, Sebastiano Timpanaro Jr and Sr), resulting from acquisitions but more often from donations and deposits by scholars or their heirs.
By personal collections or collections of eminent individuals, we mean complex nuclei of edited and/or unedited materials collected and/or produced by eminent individuals from the cultural world, the professions and the arts, predominantly from the second half of the 19th century onwards, among which we can recognise several categories of cultural heritage, already defined by the archival, library and museum sciences, including the authors' libraries and the personal and cultural archives, but also collections of various nature present in the collections, identified with reference to their original owner.
By authors' and personal libraries we mean “collections of books unified in a manner functional to their own activity by an eminent individual in the cultural community. The documents are linked by a bond that defines them in that together they are capable of rendering both the profile of the individual who has produced them and the moments of our cultural history”. (see Linee guida sul trattamento dei fondi personali (in Italian) [Guidelines on the treatment of personal collections], par. 1).
Giuseppina and Pompeo Abba
The Giuseppina and Pompeo Abba Collection, donated and thus denominated by Marta Abba and Cele Abba in 1981, is composed of the series of volumes from L'Illustrazione italiana from 1874 to 1943, with a total of 146 tomes, most of them bound, and other publications consisting mostly of varied material such as folders of periodicals not belonging to the periodical heritage of the Library, for a total of around 200 volumes.
The volumes are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Carlo Ascheri and Heidi Osterlow
The Library, donated in 1980, consists of around 2,200 books and 300 booklets (20th century), relating in particular to philosophy, literature and social sciences, which constituted the personal library of Carlo Ascheri and Heidi Osterlow.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Michele Barbi
The Library, bequeathed in his will by Michele Barbi (1941-42), consists of 7,073 volumes (16th-20th centuries), 8,827 booklets and extracts relating to Dantean philology, Italian literature and popular literature, and an important nucleus of antique and rare editions.
The books and booklets, conserved in their entirety on closed shelves at the Capitano site, are present in SEARCH.

Anna Barocchi Nencioni
Barocchi Nencioni's library, donated by her sister Paola Barocchi in 2007, consists of around 10,000 volumes regarding in particular the literatures of the western European languages, and includes rare editions.
The books are conserved at the book depository; they are present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Paola Barocchi
The library, donated by Paola Barocchi, consists of over 500 volumes, mainly related to the history of art.
The books are inserted in the collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications, are freely accessible and are present in the SEARCH catalogue.
The remaining part of the library of Paola Barocchi is conserved at the Fondazione Memofonte.

Silvia Batini
The library, donated in 2007, consists of antique and modern books. At present, it is conserved at the book depository for cataloguing.

Giovanni Becatti
The library, acquired in1988, consists of over 2700 extracts and booklets predominantly related to the archaeological disciplines and correlated studies, as well as some specialist journals.
Conserved at the Capitano site, it is in the process of being catalogued; an alphabetical list of the extracts is available.

Goffredo Bendinelli
The library, acquired in 1971, consists of 1640 volumes and 3017 extracts relating to archaeology.
In part it is conserved at the book depository. The catalogued books and extracts are inserted in the collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications, freely accessible and present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Ugo Bernasconi
The Ugo Bernasconi collection was deposited in 2003 at the Scuola Normale by Eletta and Serena Marchi: in addition to the correspondence and manuscripts conserved in the Archive Centre, it includes a few hundred books that belonged to the scholar, many of which concerning literary avant-garde movements of great importance because of the writers represented as well as the dedications and annotations, conserved together in Palazzo del Capitano.

Enrico Betti
The library, donated in 1893, comprises several hundred volumes and extracts published in the 19th century and a small antique collection composed mainly of editions from the 18th century. The material is related to mathematics and to mathematical physics.
The catalogued books and extracts, conserved together at the Capitano site on closed shelves, are present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Luigi Bianchi
The library, donated in 1994-95, consists of over 260 rare volumes relating to mathematics and geometry.
The books, conserved together at the Capitano site on closed shelves, are present in SEARCH.

Luigi Blasucci
In 2022 the book collection of Prof. Luigi Blasucci (Altamura, 23rd May 1924 – Pisa, 29th October 2021), a former lecturer in Italian Literature and emeritus professor of the Scuola Normale, was donated to the SNS by his son Pietro Blasucci; the collection consists of around 4000 volumes including monographs, extracts, pamphlets and periodical files. Together with the volumes, the Scuola also received original study materials, including their publishing rights, such as annotations, notes, margin notes and, in general, the worksheets and study materials of literary criticism, attached to or incorporated in the volumes. The volumes are kept in the book depository and the study sheets at the Archives Centre.

Tristano Bolelli
The library, donated in 2006, consists of over 1100 extracts and books relating to historical linguistics and Italian linguistics, with particular reference to the dialectological aspects. Paper inserts are present in the books.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Guido Bonifazi
The library, acquired in 1921, comprises 171 volumes (19th-20th centuries) relating to English literature, history and the sciences.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis the classifications (mainly in the foreign literature collection) and are present in SEARCH.

Nicolina (Colette) Bozzo Dufour
The book collection of Nicolina (Colette) Bozzo Dufour, a lecturer in Medieval Art History at the University of Genoa, was donated to the Scuola Normale in 2022 by the Fondazione Edoardo Garrone of Genoa.
The Bozzo Dufour book collection consists of around 8000 jointly conserved volumes, predominantly of medieval history and art history, but also containing sizeable study sections on prehistory and cave paintings, archaeology and anthropology, which enhance the collections of the library in the field of Paleo Christian, Romanesque and Byzantine art, as well as the iconography and the history of architecture, urban planning and sculpture. The collection is markedly characterised by its geographical setting, which covers the whole of Italy, numerous European countries and several non-European cultures, albeit centred in particular around Genoa and Liguria, Piedmont and France. It contains many monographs on individual Genoese and Ligurian artists, or those with links to Genoa or Liguria, from all ages, with a notable representation from the Baroque and from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The numerous catalogues of exhibitions staged in Genoa from 1949 to 2020, and the minutes of conferences taking place in Genoa, together bear witness to certain aspects of the cultural life of the city in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. The collection is also characterised by the presence of a nucleus of more than 500 volumes utilised by the lecturer in the last part of her life to initiate a study on the hand in art in an interdisciplinary perspective. The volumes, identified in the catalogue by a designated note, cover a vast range of disciplines, including art history, archaeology, neurobiology, physiology, evolutionary biology, mathematics, physics, anthropology and social sciences.
The Bozzo Dufour Collection, which has been entirely catalogued thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Garrone, is jointly conserved on the basis of provenance at the book depository, where it is currently being reorganised on shelves. The volumes available can be located on SEARCH.

Vittore Branca
The library, donated in 2000, consists of around 20,000 volumes and 15,000 extracts mainly regarding Italian literature and the history of art.
The modern books are conserved together on open shelves at the Orologio-Carovana site (Palazzo dell'Orologio); the miscellaneous collections are conserved on closed shelves at the Capitano site and in part at the book depository. The collection is present in SEARCH.

Delio Cantimori
The library, acquired in 1969, consists of 33,675 volumes and 11,125 extracts (19th-20th centuries), a collection of antique books with works from the 16th to the 18th centuries, among them some that are particularly rare and accompanied by an extensive iconography, and a collection of manuscripts.
The open shelf modern books are inserted in the collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications, predominantly in the History collection; antique and rare books and booklets are conserved on closed shelves at the Capitano site. For the booklets and extracts, a previous specific card catalogue is present.
The collection is present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Enrico Castelnuovo
The collection, donated by Enrico Castelnuovo, consists of bibliographical material (extracts), iconographic material and theses, conserved on closed shelves at the Capitano site.

Remo Ceserani
The library, donated by Ceserani's heirs in 2017, is conserved in its entirety on open shelves at the Capitano site and is in the process of being catalogued. It consists of around 4000 volumes mainly regarding the theory of literature, the history of literary criticism and the history of modern literatures. Of particular significance is a sizeable specialist collection in the English language.
The catalogued collection is present in SEARCH.

Gaetano Chiavacci
In 2023 the Franceschini Foundation donated to the Scuola Normale the library and the archive of the philosopher and pedagogue Prof. Gaetano Chiavacci (Foiano della Chiana, 19 June 1886 - Florence, 1 February 1969), Vice-Director of the Scuola Normale Superiore (1933-38), and from 1938 he taught Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Florence, which he held as a result of the testamentary legacy of Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi. The library collection, consisting of about 1,500 volumes, is kept in the Library’s Deposit, while the archive, consisting of about 7 boxes of work and working papers, is kept at the Normale Archives Centre.

Arturo Codignola
The library, donated in 1982, consists of around 2000 volumes and 2,500 booklets and extracts (19th and 20th centuries) relating to the period of the Italian Risorgimento and the beginning of the twentieth century; paper inserts are present in the books.
It is conserved in its entirety at the Orologio-Carovana site (Palazzo della Carovana) in free access mode, save for the rare and antique volumes and the booklets conserved at the Capitano site on closed shelves; it is present in SEARCH.

Ernesto Codignola
The library, acquired in 1976, consists of around 14,000 volumes, mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries; it also includes a fine antique collection (above all works of the 18th century) and over 10,000 booklets and extracts (19th and 20th centuries). The disciplines predominantly represented are philosophy, pedagogy and history.
The collection of antique and rare books is conserved at the Capitano site on closed shelves. The modern books are conserved at the book depository, while the miscellaneous collections are kept at the Capitano site on closed shelves.
The collection is present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Vittorio Cordero di Montezemolo
The library, donated in 1982, consists of 385 volumes of a predominantly juridical, historical and literary nature.
They are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Piero Cudini
The library, donated in 2014, consists of around 430 books mainly regarding literature, coming from Cudini's study.
The books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Ermenegildo Daniele
The library, donated in 1951, consists of around 2100 volumes and extracts (19th and 20th centuries) relating to mathematics and physics.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Francesco Del Punta
The library, donated in 2013 by Francesco Del Punta, consists of around 860 books relevant to his academic activity and predominantly related to medieval philosophy.
The books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Maria Monica Donato
The library, donated in 2016, consists of around 2,700 volumes and a collection of extracts mainly regarding the history of art, archaeology, and Italian, Latin and Greek literature.
The books, conserved at the book depository, are present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Cesare Finzi
The library, donated in 1907-08, consists of around 2000 volumes (19th century) and a collection of booklets and extracts relating to mathematics, physics and natural sciences.
The books are conserved at the Capitano site on closed shelves, while the miscellaneous collections are kept at the book depository; the collection is present in the SEARCH catalogue.

Francesco Flamini
The library, donated in 1920, consists of 4,782 volumes (17th - 20th centuries), some extremely rare, and 5,345 booklets and extracts relating to Italian poetry (from its origins), Dante, sixteenth-century literature, and the studies of comparative literature, of which Flamini was one of the first experts in Italy.
The library is conserved in its entirety at the Capitano site on closed shelves and is present in SEARCH.

Mario Fubini
The collection of extracts and booklets, donated by Fubini's heirs in 1979, is conserved at the book depository.
PThe Faculty of Letters of the University of Siena houses a Mario Fubini collection ricco di testi di critica letteraria.

Eugenio Garin
The library, bequeathed by Eugenio Garin in 2005, consists of around 30,000 volumes, with editions ranging from the 16th to the 20th century, and a collection of dossiers and booklets ranging thematically from antiquity to contemporary culture; paper inserts are present in the books and the miscellaneous collections, and there is a collection of newspaper sheets and cuttings.
The modern library is conserved in its entirety at the book depository, while the rare and antique books and the miscellaneous collections are conserved in their entirety at the Capitano site on closed shelves.
All the material is present in SEARCH.

Andrea Giardina
The book collection consisting of over 700 books was donated in 2018 by Andrea Giardina, professor emeritus of the Scuola Normale Superiore, former full professor of Roman History. The volumes reflect his research field: social, administrative and politic history of the Roman world from the Middle Republican Age to Late Antiquity; history of the concept of the idea of Italy from the Republican age to the Gothic age; history of social values in the Roman and Byzantine world; history of the Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy, with particular reference to the figure of Cassiodorus; history of the relationships between Roman history and politics in contemporary times (from the French Revolution to fascism); history of modern historiography relating to the ancient world.
The books are placed together at the first floor (right side) of Orologio site and are freely accessible; they are present on the SEARCH catalogue.

Ernst Kitzinger
The library, acquired by auction in 2000, consists of a nucleus of 590 books on art and archaeology with particular reference to late antiquity and the Byzantine period, part of the scholar's much vaster and now dispersed library.
The books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Paul Oskar Kristeller
The library, donated by the scholar in the 1990s, consists of over 7,300 booklets and extracts and around 2,500 volumes. The collection is related mainly to works concerning the thought, culture and literature of the Humanistic-Renaissance period, as well as the history of Italian and European art, but also includes an important sample of the arts of the Far East.
The volumes are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications, while the extracts are conserved in their entirety on closed shelves at the Capitano site; they are present in SEARCH.
Most of the library of P.O. Kristeller is housed at the library of Columbia University.

Cesare Luporini and Maria Bianca Gallinaro
The library, donated in 2004, consists of around 10,000 volumes and a collection of extracts relating to the disciplines cultivated by the two scholars: philosophy and history (Cesare Luporini) and Russian literature (Maria Bianca Gallinaro). Paper inserts are present in the books.
The library is conserved on closed shelves and is present in SEARCH.

Michele Luzzati and Francesca Maria Laganà
The library, donated in 2016, consists of around 4000 volumes and extracts of studies on Judaism, medieval history and Byzantine studies.
It is conserved at the Capitano site on closed shelves. It is present in SEARCH.

Maria Grazia Mariani
The library, bequeathed in 2013, consists of around 3000 volumes of art, mainly concerning the history of ceramics and local Pisan history. It is conserved at the book depository.

Scevola Mariotti
The library, bequeathed by the scholar in 2015, consists of around 20,000 volumes and 330 boxes of extracts and booklets. It is conserved at the book depository.

Enrico Mayer
The library, acquired by auction in 1975, consists of 3,080 volumes (mainly from the 19th century, although some works from the 16th-18th centuries are also present), around 1000 booklets on various subjects, with particular reference to the history of the Italian Risorgimento, social institutions and pedagogy. The booklets include a nucleus of wedding announcements and other writings for special occasions. It also includes rare periodicals contemporary to the scholar.
It is conserved in its entirety on closed shelves and is present in SEARCH.

Angelo Migni Ragni
The library, donated at the beginning of the 1950s, consists of around 700 volumes and 100 booklets and extracts relating in particular to theology and religion.
It is conserved in its entirety at the book depository.

Marco Minerbi
The library, donated in 2008, consists of works of a historical-philosophical nature regarding the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
The volumes are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Arnaldo Momigliano
The library, acquired in 1989, consists of around 17,325 volumes, 284 binders of extracts divided into two sections ordered by subject and by author respectively, and a collection of periodicals including "La Critica", bequeathed by Gaetano De Sanctis to Momigliano. The collection regards the disciplines relating to classical antiquity with particular emphasis on ancient history; also present are sizeable nuclei of works relating to Judaism, the history of ancient and modern religions, anthropology and sociology.
The modern books are conserved together at the Orologio site in free access mode; the rest of the collection is conserved at the Capitano site on closed shelves. The library is present in SEARCH.

Arturo Moni
The collection, acquired in 1938, consists of over 3,700 volumes and booklets, predominantly on philosophical and literary subjects, some of which are veritable bibliographical rarities. There is also a sizeable nucleus of editions ranging from the 16th and 19th centuries, with a predominance of 16th century editions, and a nucleus of manuscripts of family provenance.
It is conserved in its entirety on closed shelves at the Capitano site, in the rare and antique section, and is present in SEARCH.
The State Archive of Lucca conserves the manuscripts and the printed material of the miscellaneous collection of Arturo Moni.

Sigfrid and Mazzino Montinari
In 2023, on behalf of the heirs, Margherita Montinari donated the library of the Germanist philosopher Mazzino Montinari (Lucca, 4 April 1928 - Florence, 24 November 1986), who was trained at the Scuola Normale and one of the leading editors and interpreters of the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, consisting of about 650 books, which served to elaborate the edition of Nietzsche’s opera criticism edited with Giorgio Colli and other essays on philosophy. The fund, by the will of the heirs, is named after Sigfrid and Mazzino Montinari in memory of his mother who since 1986, the year of Mazzino’s death, has been responsible for the preservation of the library.
Montinari’s library is kept at the Normale’s library, accompanied by a list of books owned by his daughter Margherita, the philosopher’s study and work papers, previously donated, at the Normale’s Archivals Centre.

Glauco and Marthe Natoli
The library, donated by the couple's heirs in 1983, consists of around 2,100 volumes and 1,084 booklets and journals regarding French literature, comparative literature and literary criticism.
It is conserved in its entirety on open shelves at the Capitano site and is present in SEARCH.
The archive of Glauco Natoli is conserved at the Gabinetto Vieusseux of Florence.

Onofrio Nicastro
The library, donated at the end of the 1990s, consists of around 1350 volumes and booklets. The fundamental nucleus consists of works relating to 17th century English history.
It is conserved in its entirety on open shelves at the Orologio-Carovana site (Palazzo della Carovana), and is present in SEARCH.

Geno Pampaloni
Geno Pampaloni (Rome 1918 - Florence 2001), one of the major intellectuals and literary critics of the post-war period, was a student of the Scuola Normale Superiore, graduating in 1942 with Luigi Russo. He was editorial director of Vallecchi and De Agostini and editor of cultural columns for Italian radio and television. For many Years Pampaloni was responsible for cultural services at Olivetti, as well as private secretary of Adriano Olivetti.
The collection, donated to the Scuola in 2021 by his heirs, consists of approximately 25,000 volumes and literary and political magazines from the last century, originally preserved in his home in Bagno a Ripoli and in his studio in Florence, which reflect the scholar's interests and research activities on contemporary Italian literature. The collection reflects his educational and professional career (business organizer, editorial director and literary critic among others), the relationships and friendships established with the major intellectuals of the second half of the twentieth century. His multiple interests are reflected in sections, organized by him, which include Italian and foreign fiction and poetry, literary criticism and non-fiction, integrated by important readers of history, philosophy and religion.
The collection, which is currently being catalogued, is preserved as a unit according to provenance in the Library Depository. The cataloged volumes can be searched on the catalogue SEARCH and can be consulted upon request.

Amos Parducci
The library, donated in 1981, consists of over 1500 volumes and booklets on Italian literature and Romance philology (Provençal and Spanish).
The modern volumes are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications, while the booklets and extracts are conserved on closed shelves; the collection is present in SEARCH.

Giorgio Pasquali
The library, donated in 1970, consists of 3,820 volumes and 6,819 booklets and extracts on classical philology and Greek literature.
The volumes are inserted in the free access collections of the Library ton the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.
The archive, which consists of the scholar's correspondence and personal papers, scientific and other, is conserved at the Accademia della Crusca. Other nuclei of his correspondence, in addition to iconographic and photographic material, are conserved at the Gabinetto Viesseux of Florence.

Ettore Passerin D'Entrèves
The library, donated in 2002, consists of around 6,000 volumes, many of which are annotated, and booklets relating to Jansenism, Italian political history and the religious currents of the early 20th century; it also includes a miscellaneous collection of papers present inside the books.
The book collection is conserved in its entirety at the Orologio-Carovana site (Palazzo della Carovana) on open shelves and is present in SEARCH.

Carlo Pellegrini
The miscellaneous collection, acquired in 1988, consists of around 2,600 extracts and booklets. The collection regards Italian and French literature and Italian-French comparative literature; it contains some bibliographical rarities of the first decades of the 20th century. Also present are some studies on the history of culture, literary criticism and various other teachings.
It is conserved at the book depository.

Harold Perkin
The library, donated in 2016, consists of around 700 books on modern English history and is conserved at the book depository.

Emilio Peruzzi
The library, donated by the scholar's heirs in 2013, consists of books on his academic activity and in particular on Italian literature, linguistics, historical linguistics and classical studies, in addition to art catalogues and dictionaries.
The volumes are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications and are present in SEARCH.

Armando Petrucci
The miscellaneous collection, donated by the scholar in 2005, consists of around 3000 extracts and booklets of scholarly content, history, palaeography and philology.
It is conserved in its entirety at the Capitano site on closed shelves and is accessible on SEARCH.

Emilio Pianezzola
The library of Emilio Pianezzola (Marostica, 24 May 1935 – Padua, 1 September 2016), full professor of Latin literature from 1972 to 1974 at the University of Turin and from 1974 at the University of Padua, donated in 2023 by his wife Professor Maria Grazia Ciani, consists of approximately 900 volumes including series and books by Latin authors, lexicons, books on translation, books on linguistics, poetics, semantics, stylistics, rhetoric, with particular attention to the Latin language, books on philology, Roman history, history of Latin literature, preserved in the book depository of the Scuola Normale.

Alessandro Pizzorno
The library of Alessandro De Giovanni Pizzorno (Trieste, 1 January 1924 – Florence, 4 April 2019), philosopher and sociologist and professor of Social Theory at the European University Institute in Fiesole, was donated in 2023 by his heirs for the part concerning sociology and political science studies, including the sections dedicated to studies on government, corruption, organized crime, and social control for a total of approximately 4000 volumes, preserved in the Book Depository of the Scuola Normale.

Adriano Prosperi
The collection, donated by the scholar in 2011, consists of miscellaneous collections and extracts of articles of mainly historical content, conserved in around 40 binders. It is placed on closed shelves at the Capitano site and is present in SEARCH.

Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli
Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli, former Director of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Naples, 16 April 1911 - Rome, 12 February 2010), professor of ancient history (1950-81) in various Universities, and director of the Italian Institute for Historical Studies from 1960 to 1986, then honorary president.
He was one of the leading scholars in antiquity. He particularly studied the history of the Mycenaean world, of the Hittite Anatolia, of Rhodes, Kos, and the Greek Western colonies but also Roman history, with studies on the origins of Rome and the Augustan age, on the Greek and Roman epigraphy. He also dealt with the Platonic and Pythagorean traditions, focusing on the Neoplatonism of Plotinus.
In 2018 it was acquired by donation of Giovanfrancesco Pugliese Carratelli, in quality of the heir and owner of the library and the papers of Prof. Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli. The library fund belonging to the scholar consists of about 800 volumes (characterized by a vast collection of classical works in Oxford part Teubner edition, and the work of Benedetto Croce) and an archival fund consisting of papers and studies.
The volumes are kept together by origin in free access to the first floor, side right, of the Palazzo dell'Orologio and are available on SEARCH. The Archivist Centre of the Scuola Normale preserves the archive.

Gianvito Resta
The library, donated in 2011, consists of around 22,000 books and 3000 extracts on general Italian literature, and on medieval and Humanistic-Renaissance literature, with a specific section composed of studies and texts on the literature and history of Sicily.
It is conserved at the book depository.

Mario Rosa
The library, donated in 2017, consists of around 1500 volumes and miscellaneous collections on history. It is conserved on closed shelves.

Antonio Russi
The library, donated in 2005, consists of around 1500 volumes, including some important volumes by 20th century Italian narrators and poets, first editions of contemporary classics, works on aesthetics, criticism and literary theory, English translations of classics of European literature, the poets and narrators of the Beat Generation, and contemporary art; paper inserts are present in the books.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications; the collection is present in SEARCH.

Vittorio Santoli
The library, donated in 1974, consists of 4,314 volumes and 3,519 booklets and extracts of German literature, Germanic philology and popular literature.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications; the collection is present in SEARCH.
The Archivio Storico del Gabinetto Vieusseux of Florence hosts: correspondence, manuscripts, texts of lectures and conferences, photographs and extracts belonging to the scholar.
The Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence houses a collection of booklets and extracts on Germanic philology.

Alfredo Stussi
In 2017, a collection of several thousand pamphlets and extracts relating to linguistic, literary and philological studies was donated by the philologist Alfredo Stussi (Venice, 2 June 1939), professor emeritus at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and former full professor of History of the Italian Language.
The miscellany, kept at the Capitano Library on closed shelves and accessible from SEARCH.

Sebastiano Timpanaro junior
The collection consists of the scholar's library and archives, in addition to family archives. The library and most of the archives were acquired in 2002 as a deposit of Maria Augusta Morelli Timpanaro, and the correspondence in the years following. In 2010 a further nucleus of books was deposited.
The library consists of volumes and booklets relating to classical philology, philosophy, psychoanalysis, history, linguistics, Italian and non-Italian literature, with a section of Leopardian texts and studies, many of which are rare and annotated by the great intellectual and scholar, representing fully his interests and his lines of research.
The archive consists of his correspondence with family members, scholars and intellectuals of his time, notebooks, scientific papers, manuscripts and work notes. It also includes the family archive, of particular note documents, notes and letters of Maria Timpanaro Cardini and Sebastiano Timpanaro Senior.
The bibliographical and archival collection is conserved in its entirety on closed shelves at the Capitano site; the book component is present in SEARCH.
The inventory of the scholar's correspondence, curated by A. Marucelli, is consultable on site. The index of the correspondents is available online.
The archive, which has been declared as being of considerable historical interest by the Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica per la Toscana, is consultable with the prior authorisation of the latter. Form and procedure on the web site of the Soprintendenza.

Sebastiano Timpanaro senior
The archive, deposited in 2009 by Maria Augusta Morelli Timpanaro, consists of correspondence and papers pertinent to Sebastiano Timpanaro Senior, Maria Timpanaro Cardini, Gigliola Varlecchi, Emirene Varlecchi and Gino Varlecchi.
It is conserved in the Timpanaro collection at the Capitano site on closed shelves. The inventory of the correspondence has been published under the responsibility of Lucietta Di Paola Lo Castro. The index of the correspondents is available online.
The archive, which has been declared as being of considerable historical interest by the Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica per la Toscana, ), is consultable with the prior authorisation of the latter . Form and procedure on the web site of the Soprintendenza.
Other book deposits pertinent to the Timpanaro family are to be found at the Biblioteca Universitaria (the University Library) of Pisa, public libraries in Florence and the Domus Galileiana.
The graphics collection is conserved at the Museo di Grafica of the University of Pisa.

Alessandro Torri
The collection consists of the library and archives of the Dantean scholar from Verona: the library was acquired in 1855 in exchange for an annuity, the correspondence and the manuscripts relating to Dante in 1861, after his death.
The Dantean library, as defined by the scholar himself, consists of volumes and booklets relating to Dantean literature, in addition to rare and fine books, antique editions from the 16th to the 19th century and a miscellaneous Dantean collection consisting of printed and hand-written notes relating to Dantean studies.
The archives consist of the correspondence (around 1300 letters) and manuscripts.
The collection is conserved in its entirety at the Capitano site on closed shelves; the book material is present in SEARCH.
A card catalogue of the correspondence and a list of the correspondents are available for consultation on site.
For more in-depth information, see La Biblioteca del Fondo Alessandro Torri, un protagonista della vita culturale dell’Ottocento pisano (in Italian), curated by Renato Nisticò.
Letters and manuscripts of Alessandro Torri are also conserved at the Biblioteca Universitaria of Pisa.

Clifford Truesdell III
The library, donated in 2002 by the scholar's wife, consists of around 1600 volumes including an important nucleus of 17th and 18th century editions of classics of scientific and philosophical thought, and a collection of extracts and scientific works.
It is conserved in its entirety on closed shelves at the Capitano site and is present in SEARCH.
The printed catalogue, with a biography of Truesdell curated by Gianfranco Capriz, is consultable on site.

Giuseppe Vidossi
The library, donated in 1974, consists of 3,820 volumes and 9,400 booklets and extracts (20th century) on literature, folklore, dialectology and linguistic geography.
The modern books are inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications; the extracts are conserved at the Capitano on closed shelves. The collection is present in SEARCH.

Roberto Vivarelli
The library, acquired in 2014, consists of around 10,000 volumes on history, literature and art, with a particularly in-depth coverage of the history of Fascism and the political movements, Italian economic history of the 19th and 20th centuries, and European political history.
It is conserved in its entirety in the book depository.

Gian Carlo Wick
The library, donated by the scholar's heirs in 1994-95, consists of publications regarding quantum mechanics and neutron physics.
It is inserted in the free access collections of the Library on the basis of the classifications (Sciences collection), and is present in SEARCH.
See also Gian Carlo Wick.