Coverage by subjects
The monograph collection is divided into the following sections: General history, Medieval History, Modern history, Contemporary history.
The main topics explored by the collection are: Historical philosophy and methodology, Historiography, Universal history and global phenomena, History of international and supranational relations, individual histories of nations, territories and cities, History of religions and of the Catholic church, History of Law, History of political, economic and social doctrines, Cultural history, History of custume, biographies, Byzantine history, Medieval Islamic history, History of the Carolingian and Germanic Empire, History of geographic explorations and discoveries, Colonial history, Medieval and industrial archaeology, History of workers' and trade union movements, History of the world wars, History of the twentieth-century movements of social unrest (feminist, non- violent and student movements). The classes of Geography, Chronology, Numismatics and Heraldry also belong to the section of History.
Authors' libraries relevant to History and the main topics represented
Delio Cantimori for the history of the Catholic church and of the political-religious Utopias and movements in the modern age, for twentieth-century political history, for the history of Marxism
Ettore Passerin d'Entrèves for the history of Jansenism, for theological modernism, for the Risorgimento
Arturo Codignola for the history of the Risorgimento
Onofrio Nicastro for the political and philosophical history of seventeenth-century England and of eighteenth-century France
Adriano Prosperi for the history of religion in the modern age, in particular the history of ecclesiastical institutions, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the Inquisition, the relationship between religious life and social and cultural life
Michele Luzzati-Francesca Maria Laganà for Hebraic, medieval and Byzantine history
Marco Minerbi for the cultural and political history of France in the Age of Enlightenment and of the French Revolution
The periodical literature for this study area includes an open-shelf print collection and a collection of e-journals.
The open shelf monograph collection is to be found in Pisa, on the ground floor of Palazzo della Carovana, at the Orologio-Carovana site.
For the location of the authors' libraries, please refer to the specific sheet in the section Personal collections and Authors’ libraries.
The History journals belong to the humanities journals sector located in the Orologio-Carovana site (Palazzo della Carovana, ground floor and 1st floor).
New acquisitions
The list of new acquisitions is published in the SEARCH catalogue and gives an account of the titles acquired in the last 2 months.
History databases