Orologio-Carovana site
Opening times
from Monday to Friday | 9.00 - 23.00 |
Saturday | 9.00 - 19.00 |
All the opening hours of the Library and the timetable variations planned for the current year, for example in the summer and public holidays, are listed at the page Opening hours.
Changes in hours and closures not foreseen, for example for union assembly or strike, will be posted in the News and Events section of the home page.
Collections by subject
Classics on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of Palazzo dell'Orologio
Library science on the first floor of Palazzo dell'Orologio
Generalities (reference works) on the ground floor of Palazzo dell'Orologio
History on the ground floor of Palazzo della Carovana
Humanities periodical collection
The ground floor and the first floor of the Palazzo della Carovana, accessible by the entrance to Palazzo dell'Orologio, house the Humanities periodicals.
The periodicals are arranged on open shelves, and are arranged in alphabetical order by title.
The latest editions of a selection of current titles are located in the central display cabinet of the room on the first floor.
Authors' collections kept together on open shelves
(except Rare and Ancient books)
- Vittore Branca
- Arturo Codignola
- Andrea Giardina
- Arnaldo Momigliano
- Onofrio Nicastro
- Ettore Passerin d'Entrèves
- Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli
On-site reproductions (photocopies, scans and prints)